Terms of Use

If you choose to access or view this website, or post content or materials on it, you acknowledge that you are bound by these terms of use. These terms of use may be changed from time to time. Each time you access this website, you must comply with the terms of use as they stand at that time.

1. Information we collect
Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd ("Pernod Ricard Winemakers"; "we"; "us"; "our") or its related companies may collect the following information when you access our website for marketing purposes to identify the most useful and popular sections of this site and to generally improve this site:
your server address;
domain name;
the date and time of your visit to our site;
the pages viewed and information downloaded;
the previous site visited; and
the type of brower used.

2. Cookies
Cookies are uniquely numbered identification numbers like tags which are placed on your browser. By themselves cookies do not identify you personally, but they may link back to a database record about you. If you register on our site we may then link your cookie back to your personal identification details.
This site uses cookies to monitor usage of the web site, to enable purchases, to create a personal record of when you visit our web site and what pages you view and sometimes to customise the web site for faster use.
'The Pernod Ricard Winemakers Remember Me functionality stores no personal or identifiable details about you as a person.'
When you visit a website of ours and click Remember Me, we use a Cookie to ensure you won’t have to see an age page on any of our websites

3. Copyright
The contents of this website are subject to copyright under Australian and overseas law. Unless other attribution is given, all such copyright and any other intellectual property is owned by us. We authorise you to view and store, without modification, digital or print copies of our copyright material contained within this website, subject to the following conditions:
The documents and images may be used solely for information purposes.
The documents and images may be used solely for individual purposes and may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever.
Any copy or printout of any document or image or portion thereof must include this copyright notice and ALL of the text contained on this website under the heading "COPYRIGHT".
Any use of our text or images must be accompanied with the following: "image/information courtesy of Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd".
No other use is permitted without our prior written consent.
If you consider that material has been posted on this website which contravenes your copyright or other intellectual property rights please contact us at [email protected] or C/- the Legal Department at GPO Box 2246 Adelaide SA 5001.

4. Trade Marks
All registered and unregistered trade marks which appear on this website are the property of their respective owners. In allowing you access to this website, we do not grant to you any right whatsoever to use any such trade mark. You acknowledge that you have no such rights and that none will arise by your accessing or using this website.
This website may also contain a number of trademarks (registered and unregistered) owned or used under license by our associates. In addition, we and/or our associates own all intellectual property rights in the logos and other creative materials displayed on this website. Any use or reproduction of any of our trademarks, logos or other creative material appearing on this website without our written permission is prohibited.

5. Web Site Links
We do not endorse, approve or recommend the contents, services, products owners or operators of any website to which this website may be linked or feeds to. Links and feeds are provided solely for your convenience and you use them and the linked websites entirely at your own risk.

6. Disclaimer
This website is for information purposes only. We make every effort to ensure that the contents of this website are true and accurate. However, we make no warranty as to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of such contents and we exclude, to the maximum extent permissible by law, any and all implied terms and warranties.
It is your responsibility to acquire and maintain appropriate and up to date virus scanning software and to carry out a virus check on any file, download or attachment for viruses prior to downloading. We do not warrant that any file, download, link, feed or attachment on this website is free from viruses or other errors or defects and by using this website you are taken to accept these risks. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we and our directors, officers, employees, agents or contractors and related companies exclude all liability (except where precluded by law) for any loss or damage caused (whether in tort or otherwise and whether directly or indirectly) by accessing this website, an inability to access this website, any virus transmitted through this website or your use of, or reliance on, any information or data obtained from this website. If you are dissatisfied with this website, your sole remedy is to discontinue use of it.

7. Materials You Submit
Unless specifically requested, we do not wish to receive any confidential or proprietary information from you, either through this website, via email or by any other means. You acknowledge that any information that we receive from you is not confidential or proprietary and, subject to our Privacy Policy, may be reproduced and/or disclosed by us without payment or restriction. You also warrant that you have the right to reproduce this material and that any "moral rights" in any material supplied to us by you have been irrevocably waived by the relevant author.

8. General
Only persons of legal drinking age in their country of residence may access or view this website. By accessing or viewing this website you warrant that you are of legal drinking age in your country of residence. These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of South Australia.

9. User Generated Content
We reserve the right to remove any user generated content from this webiste at any time for any reason. Due to our commitment to the responsible marketing of alcohol, we will monitor user generated content. We do not allow any user generated content that promotes excessive or irresponsible drinking of alcoholic beverages. Content of this nature will be removed.